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Measurement - Time - Comparing locations on Earth's surface.
Test Yourself 1.


Comparing latitude or longitude. 1. (i) Latitudes are the horizontal circles above or below the Equator.

P is on the circle above the equator at 42° - so its lattitude is 42°N.

Q is on the circle below the equator at 35° - so its latitude is 35°S.

R is on the equator so its latitude is 0°.

(ii) Nothing can be said about the latitude at P as there is no indication of where the Prime Meridian is located.
  2. The two latititudes are on opposite sides of the equator. The easiest way is to average the difference between them:

(42° - 36°)÷ 2 = 3°N.

The two longitudes are on opposite sides of the Prime Medidian. The easiest way is to average the difference between them:

116° - 24° = 46°E.

So C is (3°N, 46°E).


There are no horizontal circles so the answer cannot be related to latititude.

The two longitude measurements are on opposite sides of the Prime Meridian so the difference has to be the sum of the two longitudes:

(c) The difference in longitude is 190o.

  4. (i) The location closest to the Equator is the one with the smallest latitude - Halls Creek. (ii) The one closest to the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian is the one with the smallest longitude - La Paz.

NOTE: the N/S or E/W directions are not considered when evaluating "closest".

Finding coordinates.

City A is located at (35°N, 125° E).

City B is located 60° to the east and 40° to the south of City A.

What is the latitude and longitude of City B.


(a) Aligator Creek
(19° 25'S, 149° 13'E).

(b) Banana
(24° 28'S, 150° 7'E).

(c) Dingo Beach
(20° 6' E, 148° 30' E).

(d) Moura
(24°34. S, 150° 7' E).

(ii) from west to east:

Dingo Beach, Aligator Creek, Moura, Banana.

(iii) from north to south.

Aligator Creek, Dingo Beach, Banana, Moura.


Answer.West to East: Dingo Beach, Aligator Creek, Moura, Banana.

North to South: Aligator Creek, Dingo Beach, Banana, Moura.
